- The Irish are the world's largest individual consumers, each person on an average consuming 3.2 Kg per annum, or 5 cups a day.
- Experienced tea pickers collect up to 30Kgs (70 pounds) of tea a day by hand.
- One tea bush will produce tea for at least 50 years.
- It takes years for tea to grow on land where lightning has struck or humans have lived.
- A Kg.(2.2pounds) of tea will yield more than 400 cups of brewed tea.
- In Darjeeling 100kg of green leaf yields only 20kg of product after processing. Of this only 10kg is top quality (FTGFOP - fine tipped golden flowery orange pekoe),
- If two women should pour from the same pot, one of them will have a baby within a year.
- Two teaspoons accidentally placed together on a saucer, points to a wedding or a pregnancy.
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